Makta is Live!

Fully decentralized customer engagement (rewards and loyalty) platform.

How to install?

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in Makta community, we believe strong people like you can contribute to the future.

software developers, designers, content builders, social networking guys, digital marketing people, project managers, etc. everyone is welcome!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Makta is fully decentralized customer engagement (rewards and loyalty) platform on blockchain.

Makta is a completely decentralized Peer-to-Peer rewards, loyalty, and communication platform which utilizes money transferring, messaging, and social networking globally without any interference or control of any kind in a real-time manner. Its mission as it is registered in its first block is "to give people freedom back and to tackle inflation they struggle with". NYTimes, 11-May-2022: Consumer Prices Are Still Climbing Rapidly.

It is free and will be forever. repository is now open source and the core and hubs will be open source after the first 1 million transactions or on October 2024 whichever comes first. You can join us at Makta community today and have full access to all resources by sending a request here.

Makta's whitepaper has been written by an unkown person called Amiré Najie and it's developed and maintained by Makta community. It does not belong to any person, company or organization. It is open source and run completely on indivdual people's computers around the globe known as Noders.

You can make money by makta in 3 different ways:
  • Makta gives its Noders rewards in its native coin (MAK) for validating transactions and blocks. You can collect these rewards by downloading a Makta node and becomming a Noder here.
  • Provide someone a service or sell something on the internet or in-store and accept MAK coins as a method of payment.
  • Buy MAK coins from people, a holder or on any exchange and sell it for profit.

Makta is designed to be the main platform for online and retail payments.
It can be integrated into websites and POS software to empower store owners to accept MAK coins for their goods and services, and improve their revenue through Makta's customer engagement feature (rewards and loyalty program).
It will also have an internal free speech platform to provide free social media services.